Start your life with a dessert.....
When you walk through the French doors, the rich aroma of the French chocolate cakes baking in the oven immediately greets you. The Dezato is a place that will fill up your senses. Have a slice of homemade cake or pie. Enjoy a cup of warm sipping chocolate topped with fresh whipped cream and a warm cookie right out of the oven. You can see the locally sourced farm-fresh eggs and the organic milks and creamers nestled in the cooler. Behind the counter, master bakers gently sieve non-bromated flours from Vermont, aluminum-free baking powders & sugars and large pots of French & Belgian Chocolate melting on the stove. Once the oven dings, everything at the Dezato shop has come together to create a truly savory experience. Choose from our list of the best wines & champagnes to accompany any of our cakes, pies & desserts.
We make all of our desserts every day from scratch here at the shop with the best butter, chocolates, fruits, eggs and creams we can find.
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